Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GWWC Update

Well my wargaming has fallen back a bit due to a sudden attack of real life... the GWWC rolls on however, and hopefully I'll get some of my games caught up this weekend. In other gaming news, I finished up the Black 13th tonight and am almost done the min. Stormguard. Going to throw in a warcaster to change up my painting before I tackle the second unit of Stormblades and the two gunners.

Current GWWC Standings

Joey Baltimore: 4-2
Web: 3-2
Lupes: 2-3
Ed: 2-2
Reese: 2-2
the Kutch: 3-4
Hanan: 3-3
D-9: 1-2

Man I need to play some games... looks like the angry elves are off to a strong start... but in a fantasy sterotype so broad it hurts the mercenary dwarves are pulling in for a challenge.

Pics of the b13 tomorrow.


  1. talk about a fantasy stereotype, the angry elves have lost twice, both times to menoth. so apparently the overly religious humans are wiping out the non-humans in the name of their god. ughhh....

    on the plus side, i did birdjack epic assface
