Sunday, January 12, 2025

Warhammer 40k: Deathwatch Kill Team

 These were the models that got me back to painting traditional 40k. I started a full Deathwatch army, sold it, and just kept these guys. These are great models. Sort of a farewell to the Firstborn Space Marines. Characterful, detailed, well sculpted... they were a ton of fun to paint. 

Imperial Knights: House Cadmus

 My journey back to painting a few years ago included several months of painting just these four models. I wasn't yet ready to get back to working on anything infantry based, but really loved the big chunky knights GW made. I went with House Cadmus purely due to the color scheme. These guys used a lot of spray cans and masking to get the colors right. The freehand work was supplemented with a few transfers as well. 

Mythic Battles: Pantheon: Greek Gods and Heroes

 A few years back, I kickstarted a really cool minis game called Pantheon. The models are awesome, especially the larger scale gods. I got all the gods and heroes from the main box painted before the muse took me elsewhere, and would really like to go back and finish the rest of the god models off at some point. (Posiedon especially...) 

Odysseus, Heracles, Atalanta, Theseus, and Leonidas

Hades. Not voiced by James Woods. 

My lady of the grey eyes, Pallas Athena. 

Zeus, the big guy, the OG sky daddy... I really love this model and am very happy with the paint job I came up with. 
Ares, God of War... another awesome sculpt that I am pretty proud of my paints on. 
Olympians Assemble! 

Knocking off the Gravedust... Warhammer Underworlds Warbands

Hello? I can't believe this is still available. Almost ten years... a lot has changed. My wife and I found this blog this morning while looking for some old images and I thought I'd give it an update! If nothing else, it's cool to have a repository of all my painted minis. if the metrics on the page are right, then something re-directs here a lot too. 

So... lots of minis to share. First blast of photos is from my time playing Underworlds. I did a few warbands and really enjoyed the game for a bit before it got washed away in a full blown return to 40k. 

I'm a huge fan of the Age of Sigmar look, but never really had the urge to paint an army. These warbands let me dabble in the world without a lot of commitment. 

I like the vamps below. Their proportions are just inhuman enough to make them unsettling. GW really nailed the sense of motion in the two of these models that are in flow. 

Sig-Merlin and his boys were a lot of fun to paint... and were the warband I played the most in Underworlds. I pulled some more autumnal colors in here and then picked them up on the bases as well. Everything is very warm except the "magic bits" which I kept in blues. 

Some more Stormcast. I went with the more traditional blues here against the stone bases. Again, just some really cool models... but I would never want to paint them en masse... 

The wraiths are my favorite Underworld's models. The way these go together leaving voids in the cloaks is very cool, and they paint up well. 

A slayer is a slayer is a slayer... they're no Long Drong...

Look! World Eaters in Fantasy! Same old Blood, same old Blood God...